new 4-manual Nicholson Screen Organ
- Toccata
on Nun Danket alle Gott Egil Hovland
- Chorale
variations on
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern Buxtehude
- Chorale
Prelude on
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (BWV 731) J S Bach
- Variations
on O Filii et Filiae Dandrieu
- Harmonies
du Soir Karg-Elert
- Marche
Triomphale, Offertoire, In Paradisum,
Fiat Lux Dubois
- A Fancy
- Riff-Raff
Giles Swayne
- Clair
de Lune Vierne
- Carillon
de Westminster Vierne
(November 1999)
The recording quality is admirable and the insert-notes by Ian Wells a
model of how this sort of thing should be done. Recommended. "
QUARTERLY (April 1999)
Attractive music, a fine organ, masterly performances: the result is an
excellent CD."
REVIEW (February 1999)
is a scintillating release, just out, of the remarkable new 4-manual,
tracker-action Nicholson screen organ in Southwell Minster. It is a wonderfully
flexible instrument, which, if this recording is anything to judge by,
speaks with an impressive variety of convincing accents.......It's also
played with fine musicianship and flair from both organists, showing absolutely
convincing authority in a very wide range of mood. Altogether marvellous."